5.1 End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere
5.2 Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls
Heart-Links partner Centro Santa Angela continues to work with men to reduce violence against women in Chiclayo and the surrounding province of Lambayeque. For a second year, the Centre is working with men to examine and challenge assumptions about gender roles and to develop new concepts of masculinity and paternity that embrace relationships of equality and respect. In addition to attending workshops that examine concepts of masculinity, paternity and men’s health, the 20 young men participating in the project will take part in awareness-raising initiatives that include information fairs at 2 universities, a photo competition, and painting murals on these topics.
According to the Organization of American States, the number of reports of domestic and sexual violence in Peru is the second highest in the region. In the province of Lambayeque, an average of 7,000 cases are reported each year. The actual incidence of violence is much higher. While programs and services aimed at protecting and supporting women and children who are victims of violence have increased in Peru in recent years, little work has been done directly with men to change the outlooks that inform this behaviour.
Follow the group’s activities on their Facebook page Masculinidades Chiclayo.
Heart-Links is grateful to Cambia Development Foundation for their financial support of this project.