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Literacy & Education

painted mural shows portraits of four children against a background of grass and dirt and below them a mosaic of hearts and hands

“Love the Ravine”

  • STARTED APRIL 1, 2023

This project, run by ACIES, takes as its theme loving and caring for the Quiritimayo neighbourhood, which is built on a steep ravine on the outskirts of Cajamarca.

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woman helps children who are seated on benches, their backs facing the camera

Closing the Education Gap in Nuevo Mocupe

  • STARTED MARCH 1, 2023

Lingering gaps in children’s education in the Zaña Valley are the focus of this project.

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Women sit on a bench against the wall, knitting while a girl in a long skirt stands in the middle of the room

Quiritimayo Community Centre 2022/23

  • COMPLETED 2023

This Centre, run by ACIES, serves the children, youth and adults of Quiritimayo, a marginal neighbourhood in Cajamarca made up principally of Indigenous families who have recently migrated to...

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teacher stands at the front of a classroom with children sitting in rows on chairs or benches

Support for Children in the Wake of COVID-19

  • COMPLETED 2023

Educational and nutritional gaps exacerbated by COVID-19 are the focus of this project. In the impoverished rural hamlet of Nuevo Mocupe, Madre Oliva Association will provide these children with...

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children in blue pinnies that say "Reding Club" sit at tables in a room while one girl stands at the front and reads

Post-Pandemic Recovery in the Zaña Valley

  • COMPLETED 2023

Latidos continues to help families in the Zaña Valley recover from the impact of COVID-19 on health (including mental health and nutrition) and education.

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silhouette of a parade by rural Andean people

New Edition of the Campesino Encyclopedia


With travel restrictions lifted in mid-2021, Rural Libraries Network again took up its goal to publish and distribute a revised edition of the Enciclopedia Campesina.

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boys and girls in a circle bending over exercising

Reducing COVID-19’s Impact in the Zaña Valley

  • COMPLETED 2022

Latidos helped families in the Zaña Valley secure healthy food, masks and cleaning supplies and provided them with both educational support and mental health workshops and counselling.

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children in masks doing theatre

Quiritimayo Community Centre 2021

  • COMPLETED 2022

This centre, run by ACIES, had 3 lines of action: help children and youth express themselves in drawing and words; empower women through small income generation projects and mutual...

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mother helps her son, a boy of about 6, with coloured blocks

Supporting People with Disabilities 2021

  • COMPLETED 2022

For a third year, Heart-Links is funding a project, run by Madre Oliva Association, that provides much-needed support to a group of families in Nuevo Mocupe, a number of...

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A circle of Peruvians reading together, outside

New Edition of the Campesino Encyclopedia

  • COMPLETED 2021

The Enciclopedia Campesina is a collection of 20 volumes that gathers stories and knowledge from across the mountainous region surrounding the town of Cajamarca. It is the cornerstone of...

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