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Literacy & Education

The city of Cajamarca

Expression in Drawing, Words & Weaving

  • COMPLETED 2021

This project, run by ACIES, has 3 lines of action: develop the capacity of youth and children to express themselves in drawing and words; work with rural women to...

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women at library cheering

Live and Travel with Words

  • COMPLETED 2021

This project seeks to strengthen the role of the library in promoting reading and writing among community members of all ages and to demonstrate to the people of Zaña...

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Mothers and children stand in front of an adobe wall

Supporting People with Disabilities 2020

  • COMPLETED 2020

For a second year, Heart-Links is funding a project, run by Madre Oliva Association, that provides much-needed support to a group of families in Nuevo Mocupe, a number of...

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woman stading before adobe wall casts a shadow. Her hands are clasped before her.

Supporting People with Disabilities 2019

  • COMPLETED 2020

For a number of years, the women of Madre Oliva Association have provided support and encouragement to 20 individuals in Nuevo Mocupe (children and adults) who have developmental disabilities....

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Children singing in Chiclayo

Esperanza Centre for Alternative Education

  • COMPLETED 2019

This project involves a new partner for Heart-Links. ACIES works with children and their families in the impoverished urban district of Quiritimayo, Cajamarca. Mining and other extractive industries have...

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Children in a Peruvian classroom

Learn in Miraflores Library

  • COMPLETED 2019

This project, run by Latidos, seeks to bolster the learning of children from the rural towns of Zaña and Cayaltí who are not doing well at school by working...

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Woman and child cooking together

Early Childhood Development & Nutrition

  • COMPLETED 2019

This after-school program for children from 6 to 13 years of age in Aviación, Mocupe and Zaña is run by the newly founded Madre Oliva Association. Twenty children at...

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