This Centre, run by ACIES, serves the children, youth and adults of Quiritimayo, a marginal neighbourhood in Cajamarca made up principally of Indigenous families who have recently migrated to the city. These families face increased racism and discrimination in the city as well as the dismissal of their culture. Children are often alone for long periods while their parents work (the public school day ends at 12:30 p.m.). To respond to this need, the centre offers afterschool education and homework support that values their Indigenous heritage.
This project will provide children with reading and writing workshops 6 days a week. As a special hands-on project, the children will each make a small bookcase they can take home with books to fill it. To learn about sustainability, they will plant and care for vegetables and herbs and learn about their traditional uses. A therapist will be available weekly for those children who are struggling.
In the wake of COVID-19, which kept schools closed for 2 years, educational support is needed more than ever. The centre prioritizes sustainability and care for the natural environment in its programs, using local natural resources and recycled and reused materials in their workshops.
Weekly craft and personal development workshops for women will offer a space for mutual support and empowerment as well as providing a way to generate income. Three community members will be employed as assistants, providing them with an income and experience.
Our thanks to the Peterborough KM Hunter Charitable Foundation for their support of this project.