Since 1984, Centro Santa Angela (Centro de Formación y Promoción Humana “Santa Angela”) has been working to combat poverty and promote human and community development in José Leonardo Ortiz, a municipal district that forms part of the greater metropolitan area of the coastal city Chiclayo. Originally founded through an initiative of the Ursuline Religious of Chatham, the centre is legally incorporated as a non-profit civil association under the direction of a coordinating team of five women, a number of whom grew up in JLO and still make their homes there.

Centro Santa Angela takes a rights-based, gender and environmental approach to form and strengthen community leadership and promote an engaged and organized citizenry for comprehensive human development. Centro Santa Angela regularly partners with local educational and government institutions and professional bodies to strengthen the impact and reach of its work. The centre also participates actively in local forums such as the Lambayeque Roundtable to Combat Poverty.