Every Heart-Links event I attend—whether it’s Share the Love, in February, or the summer Homecoming we hold to welcome back our Solidarity Trip participants—leaves me enriched, inspired and eager to continue working alongside our partners in Peru to make our world a better place. This year’s Annual General Meeting was no different.
Guests at the AGM, held last May 26, heard from our two co-chairs and our treasurer. We learned that, thanks to the generosity of our donors, Heart-Links sent almost $140,000 to Peru last year in support of 12 different community development projects. Heart-Links is on course to continue working in solidarity with the people of northern Peru for many years to come.
(You can read about the activities of our different committees and about the community development projects we support in Peru in our 2018 annual report.)
A replenished board, introduced at the meeting, draws on both the energy and innovation of newcomers and the experience and wisdom of veterans. Many new committee members attended as well. We are very grateful to see so many people interested in contributing their time and talents to this little organization with the big heart.
In addition to welcoming new volunteers, we had to say good-bye to some long-term board and committee members. Gordon Price stepped down as co-chair but will still lead the Peru Project Committee together with Shannon Theriault. Lina Bowden, who was a signatory when Heart-Links first incorporated, has resigned from the Solidarity Trip Committee. We wish them and everybody else who has connected with Heart-Links over the years the very best.
The highlight of the afternoon was—without doubt—the premiere of a video our partner organization ACIES made especially for the occasion. We were moved and humbled to see the commitment, creativity and love these volunteers have brought to this project (and to everything they do). Words cannot describe it, so you’ll just have to see for yourself (below!).
We hope you continue to follow and support Heart-Links’ work in 2019. And next year, we’d love to see you at our AGM. There is always something amazing in store.
—Ruth Taylor, Operations Coordinator, Heart-Links Lazos de Corazón