“Many hands and many hearts”: Rural Libraries
At a recent presentation to the Rotary Club of Strathroy, Rita Moker, of the Rural Libraries Network of Cajamarca, said these words: “It takes many hands and many hearts to do this work.” Continue Reading

Turbulence in Peru—Peruvians deserve better
Scenes of standoffs and clashes between protesters and police in Peru have peppered the media in Canada during the last week. Continue Reading

Share the Love @ Home, our musical fiesta and fundraiser, is back again for 2022. Continue Reading

AGM hightlights: our projects in Peru
“The creativity and compassion that was apparent in our partner’s response to the pandemic has been unbelievable.” —Gordon Price, co-chair of Heart-Links’ Peru Projects Committee Continue Reading

COVID-19 Update No.13
Peru is struggling with a fierce second wave of the coronavirus that last week saw 384 fatalities in a single day. Continue Reading

Celebrate 50 years of Rural Libraries!
Tomorrow is the 50th anniversary of the Rural Libraries Network of Cajamarca. Continue Reading

Happy International Literacy Day!
Our world has made great strides in expanding literacy over the last 30 years. Heart-Links’ donors have contributed to the growth of literacy in Peru. Continue Reading
Take the Challenge!
The Great Canadian Giving Challenge is here! For the entire month of June, every $1 you donate to Heart-Links through www.canadahelps.org or www.givingchallenge.ca qualifies us to win $10,000! (minimum donation $3). The more you give, the more chances for us to win! #GivingChallengeCA... Continue Reading

What do we mean by solidarity?
How does one explain the notion of solidarity? Why is it important that people walk in solidarity with others? How do we, as Canadians, accompany the men and women who have dedicated their lives to working with the poorest... Continue Reading