Category Archives

Your Impact

Children in green kerchiefs hold a banner that reads, "Environmentment Boys and Girls of Culpón" in front of a colourful mural.

AGM Highlights: Your Impact

  • May 30, 2024

126 individuals, families and organizations donated almost $100,000 to Heart-Links in 2023 and supported 10 projects in Peru. Continue Reading

clinic doctors examine mother and son

Project Update: Health Care in the Zaña Valley

  • November 9, 2023

We are happy to report that your donations helped Latidos meet their goal of 8 villages and surpass it. Continue Reading

Men and women make guinea pigs pens

Coloche: moving toward sustainability

  • September 12, 2023

Another community in Peru is taking big steps toward lasting change Continue Reading

2 women plant vegetables in irrigated rows

Where are they now?: María Suclupe

  • August 16, 2023

Two years ago, we asked Heart-Links supporters to help María Suclupe reach her dream of raising chickens to help feed her family and increase their earnings. Continue Reading

Leadership in Action

  • July 5, 2023

"We didn't have anywhere to evacuate to or any means of removing the water." Continue Reading

A group of people stand beside a pump and a ditch full of muddy water

AGM Highlights: Our Projects in Peru

  • June 14, 2023

Heart-Links volunteers, donors, and guests connected in person and via Zoom last May 28 for our first-ever hybrid annual general meeting. Continue Reading

Mototaxi drives through flood waters and garbage in José Leonardo Ortiz

Heart-Links’ partners step up to help neighbours

  • March 23, 2023

In José Leonardo Ortiz, in northern Peru, flooding cause by Cyclone Yaku has flooded hundreds of homes, including the houses of two leaders from our partner organization Centro Santa Angela. Continue Reading

Adobe house in the Zaña Valley with collapsed wall

Cyclone causes flooding in northern Peru

  • March 14, 2023

Cyclone Yaku has caused flooding and destruction in the northern provinces of Peru, including many of the places Heart-Links’ partners work. Continue Reading

San Isidro has come a long way in 3 years

  • February 27, 2023

When we first visited the community of San Isidro in 2019, they did not have a working well or chickens or animals of any kind. Continue Reading

Women stand in front of a screen which reads "Human Dignity"

Promoting good health & well-being: Latidos

  • February 11, 2023

We end our International Development Week celebration with a shout out to our partner Latidos. Continue Reading