Category Archives

Your Impact

boys and girls dancing

Spreading Joy in Cajamarca

  • February 3, 2021

Among the joys of working with our partner organizations in northern Peru are the many things our partners share with us: their experiences, their wisdom, their dreams, their warmth, their trust. Continue Reading

women farmers in field waving

Happy International Day of Rural Women!

  • October 15, 2020

Today, we celebrate rural women. Whether we live in town or country, all of us depend of food grown by men and women the world over. Too often, however, the work especially of women agriculturalists is unrecognized, undervalued and... Continue Reading

Lecture about women's rights in Peru

It’s Gender Equality Week!

  • September 23, 2020

Since our beginnings more than 25 years ago, Heart-Links has made gender equality and the rights of women and girls a top priority. Continue Reading

drawing of campesinos reading and a woman listening to an ipod lecture

Happy International Literacy Day!

  • September 8, 2020

Our world has made great strides in expanding literacy over the last 30 years. Heart-Links’ donors have contributed to the growth of literacy in Peru. Continue Reading