Heart-Links supported 10 projects in Peru in 2023, totalling $126,772. Financed by Heart-Links donors and run by our partner organizations in Peru, these projects helped hundreds of people in the urban centre of José Leonardo Ortiz, across Lambayeque and Cajamarca provinces, in communities up and down the Zaña Valley, and beyond.
126 individuals, families and organizations donated almost $100,000 to Heart-Links to make this work possible. At our annual general meeting last Sunday, Trish Gergich, chair of Heart-Links’ board of directors, reflected on the year gone by and on Heart-Links’ recent visit to Peru. “I continue to be inspired and hopeful today,” she said, “because I can see that we are making the world a little bit better together.”
As Trish noted, big change starts with small actions, small conversations and a community. In 2023, the Heart-Links community between friends in Peru and friends in Canada gave rise to many small but powerful stories of resilience, change and hope. You can read some of those stories in our 2023 Impact Report.
“I am honoured to be a part of this amazing group of partners, community members, volunteers and donors,” Trish told the gathering (in person and virtual). “Thank you for being part of it, too.”
Who did your generosity help in 2023? What impact did you make? Who else is part of the Heart-Links community?
Our 2023 Impact Report will answer many of these questions. And we’d be happy to answer any others you may have. You can reach us at info@heart-links.org or by telephone at 226-884-2845.
The achievements of 2023 inspire us to carry on. We will continue to work in solidarity—with you and with our partners in Peru—to create a more just and equitable world.