“One thing that has struck me, as I look at the ways in which our friends and partners tackle the needs they see, is that they always lead to the development of better communities.”
—Sheila Horrell, Heart-Links’ Peru Projects Committee
Heart-Links volunteers, donors, partners and guests connected via Zoom on May 29 for our annual general meeting. Canadian and Peruvian friends reconnected, and viewers and volunteers new to Heart-Links got a taste of what Canadian-Peruvian solidarity can accomplish.
Together we celebrated the achievements our partners made in 2021 with your support in the areas of education, health and wellness, gender equity, environment and leadership.

Your donations helped fund nine projects in Peru totalling nearly $70,000:
- 35% on literacy and education
- 14% on leadership
- 28% on sustainably communities
- 23% on health and wellness
In the video below, Sheila Horrell describes (with photos!) how these projects—whether the focus is on literacy or women’s empowerment, Indigenous knowledge or vaccinations—always have the end goal of stengthening the communities our partners work with.
Like Sheila, Heart-Links is proud to be part of these intiatives, and we are very grateful to each of our supporters for helping create a more just and equitable world.