Did you know that many of Heart-Links’ partners are on social media?
Our partners use these channels to raise awareness about important issues and to reach more people in their communities and across the country (and the world). They also celebrate the people they work with and their achievements.
If you use Facebook or Instagram, you can follow many of the organizations and projects your donations help fund. It’s a great way to show your support and to see for yourself the impact your gifts make.
Our partners makes their post in Spanish, but Facebook, for example, can translate them to English for you. And the photos are amazing in any language!
Follow the links below to connect:
Centro Santa Angela
@centrosantaangela Ecological project: @programaecologicointegral Leadership School: @escueladelideres.santaangela Leadership School citizen watchdog committee: @COVAG.JLO New Masculinities project: @masculinidadeschiclayo | |
Ecological project: @programaecologico Leadership School: @escueladelideres.santaangela | |
@centrosantaangela | |
Website: https://cefoprohsantaangela.org/ |
Centro Esperanza
@centro.esperanza.pe | |
@centroesperanza.cix | |
Website: https://sites.google.com/centroesperanza.org/centroesperanza/inicio/ |
Rural Libraries
@andaresbbrrcaj | |
@bibliotecasruralescaj | |
@andaresbibliotecasrurales | |
Website/Blog: https://bibliotecasruralescajamarca.blogspot.com/ |
@aciescajamarca9374 | |
Website/Blog: https://aciesesperanza.jimdofree.com/ |